The Last Week of Summer

It’s hard to believe that we will be entering the last week of summer vacation in two days.

I plan to have a little ‘team meeting’ with my boys this week so we can go over some house/school rules and discuss what our expectations are of one another. For example, I expect the boys to focus and work with excellence until they finish their daily school work. I expect them to treat me with respect and honor me as their mother and teacher (no arguing, complaining, back talk, etc.) In return, I will give them my undivided attention during school time. I will not answer my phone, get up to do chores, or get on the computer during school time.

I hope this next week will be fun and relaxing. We’ll probably go to the pool a few times…or maybe everyday. We may go to a dollar movie or have a picnic in the park. The great thing is, when you homeschool, you can do all of these things during the “school year” as well! However, I feel that the key to our success this year will be routine and consistency. I need to go ahead and send my letter of intent to the school board and fill out our attendance sheets for the first semester. I didn’t do a very good job with that last year. In fact, I sent in about six months of attendance sheets in April and I have yet to fax May’s. Good thing our county is overwhelmed with more important things than sending a truancy officer to my front door for my last month’s attendance sheet!

ahh, the foster kids are here; gotta go!!


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