Climbing the Walls

As many of you know, everyone seems to have seen snow lately.  Whether you’re burried in 15 inches, or just praying for snow to fall from the sky for the first time in YEARS, we’ve all had a taste of it lately.  Yesterday happened to be our snow day.  It started snowing at 9am and it snowed rather heavily until about 3pm.  Unfortunately, not a single flake stuck!  However, it was WAY too cold to play outside for more than thirty minutes at a time, and in a house full of boys, that makes for a rather high energy day of playing indoors! 

After dinner, we all played games at the table, as a family.  It was a lot of fun and I know the boys enjoy because they are game FREAKS!  When we finished playing games, it was time for them to brush their teeth, have one story read, and off to bed…well, unfortunately, they were still WIRED!  I had gone into the bathroom to brush baby Owen’s teeth and this is what I found when I came out:









I always wondered why people would use the phrase, “my kids are climbing the walls!”…I guess there are some weird kids out there who take that phrase literally…and mine are some of them!  🙂

Thank goodness, today was a new day…no snow…and a little warmer. 



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