A Tuesday For The Record Books

Another day of absolutely beautiful spring weather.  We were finished with school by 9:30 this morning and we decided to take an impromptu trip to Nana and Grandpa’s in Greenwood (about an hour away).  One of my favorite parts of going to Greenwood is the drive there.  Not because there’s anything to see, but because the boys and I have really gotten creative with our in-route entertainment.  We have a little rule that the DVD player doesn’t go on trips less than two hours long, so we listened to a Veggie Tales CD mixed with good character building songs and some of their greatest “silly songs”.  The boys have been watching the movie “Robots” a lot lately.  There are some hilarious characters in this animated movie and the boys started assigning our family members to characters in the movie.  It was funny to hear them do it because I could tell they really were trying to match the family members that BEST fit each character. 

Once we arrived in Greenwood, my dad took the boys on a ride in the trailer that is connected to his four-wheeler.  Then all of their neighborhood buddies realized they were in town and came down to play.  It’s sad that my kids’ best friends all live on my parents’ street and not on OUR street in OUR town!  🙁  They all cry every time we have to leave and Joshua always asks why we can’t live on Nana and Grandpa’s street.  About an hour after we arrived, some county worker pulled up in their truck and connected a hose to the fire hydrant across the street from my parents’ house.  They had to flush the pipes for about 45 minutes.  Free entertainment at it’s finest!!  The kids had a BLAST!  Joshua seemed to be King of the Hose…that is…until a young couple in a Porsche drove by with the top down and all the adults started screaming at Joshua to put the hose down!  It’s was a sight to be seen!  🙂  Even little Owen was getting in on the action until he walked right into the line of fire (or should I say…water!).  It was FREEZING cold water and Owen screamed for about 10 minutes until he was warm in my arms and wrapped in a towel.  We must have stayed outside for three hours playing in the yard and splashing in the street. 

Once four o’clock rolled around, it was time to pack up and head home.  The boys were sad to say good-bye, but they were also completely exhausted from their fun in the sun.  They were pretty quiet on the way home and Owen slept the entire way.  When we got home, I checked the menu for Tuesday and we got started on homemade veggie pizza.  Jesse loves to help me with dinner, so he got to spread the sauce and pile on the cheese.  It was DELICIOUS. 

To top it all off, I got a phone call from a friend to tell me she is pregnant!!  I love those kind of phone calls!! 

All in all, a great day.  I’m a little sunburned from my first day out in the 2009 sun, but it feels great and I’m happy to know that my kids will all sleep soundly tonight!



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