Bed Sheets & Glow Sticks

A few nights ago my husband had to work late with my father-in-law, so I decided to try and make it a special night for the boys. We went to the store and used the “Red Box” to rent a movie. I didn’t let the boys see what I rented so it would be a surprise when we got home. We also got popcorn and M&Ms for a special movie treat.



I just had to add this one because you can see the light of the glow sticks.

I just had to add this one because you can see the light of the glow sticks.

Jesse, Owen and Joshua already in "the zone", watching the movie.  :)

Jesse, Owen and Joshua already in "the zone", watching the movie. 🙂













When we got home, we closed all of the blinds and made a tent out of dining room chairs and bed sheets. And for the ‘icing on the cake’, I brought out a bag of small glow sticks. We brought all of our pillows and blankets into the tent and settled in for our movie. “Hotel For Dogs” was the feature presentation. 🙂 It was a cute movie and we hadn’t seen it yet, so the boys actually WATCHED the entire thing. Once the movie was over, they helped me clean up…even vacuumed the popcorn off the living room floor. All in all it was a great little date-night-in! I love having boys. Mine certainly have a special way of making me feel like a princess.

I have to add that today is my birthday and my in-laws kept the boys last night. My mother-in-law said, as Joshua came in the kitchen this morning, the first thing he said was, “Well, today is the big day for the birthday girl!” My sweet little man.



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