First FALL Weekend!

What a great weekend. It was our first real fall weekend. Saturday was dreary, rainy, and cold, and today (Sunday) is absolutely gorgeous with a clear blue sky and a crisp breeze blowing through my house by way of open windows. We had a blast at Kackleberry Farm yesterday. Although the weather did NOT cooperate, we were so glad to spend time with my dad, a.k.a. Grandpa. 🙂 The farm was a lot of fun and the rain and cold didn’t seem to bother the children one bit! In fact, we got lots of great ideas for when we finally buy some land and build a house. Hopefully we’ll be able to do it while the boys are still young and will enjoy some of these fun farm activities!

Joshua learning to milk a cow.

Joshua learning to milk a cow.

Jesse firing the "Corn Canon"

Jesse firing the "Corn Canon"

All three boys loved the Cow Train.

All three boys loved the Cow Train.

Even Grandpa joined in on the silliness!

Even Grandpa joined in on the silliness!


There is nothing sweeter than family time and one of the things I love most is watching my husband be a dad. Josh is the best dad in the whole world and I love watching the boys’ faces light up as Josh makes them each feel special and assures them there is nothing he wouldn’t do for them.


Love it!

Love it!

Daddy and Owen

Daddy and Owen

 We were thrilled to have Josh’s sister, Erin, home for the weekend.  This is her last semester of college and we’re looking SO forward to having her back home for good!  We love you Erin!!

Aunt Erin and Owen sporting their argyle sweaters  :)

Aunt Erin and Owen sporting their argyle sweaters 🙂

And last but not least, a picture of Jesse’s healing mouth.  You can see how far the tooth was jerked up into his gums by how far the cut extends.  I keep telling him he might as well stop his whining all together, because I can no longer take him seriously with his sweet little hillbilly smile!  LOL!  🙂



I hope you all had a great weekend!  I’m going to attack my messy, dirty house now in hopes that I can get everything done TODAY and not have to worry about laundry or house cleaning all week.  We can focus on school work and preparing for another week of waiting for our foster children. 

Bless you!


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