Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

To be quite honest, I don’t have anything profound for this Thanksgiving Day post.

I’m exhausted, Jesse and Owen have a stomach bug, and baby girl is being VERY ugly this morning.

I could write for days about the millions of things I’m thankful for, but really the only thing that really matters is Jesus. I’m thankful for Jesus. I’m thankful for forgiveness, eternal life with Him, new mercies every day, grace, abounding love, my identity in Christ, and His sacrifice on the cross.

I’m thankful for my family. I’m thankful for a godly husband who loves me for me. I’m thankful for incredible, godly, supportive, encouraging, loving parents (mine and his!!). I’m thankful for sweet, loving children who already desire to know God at an early age; they love one another and enjoy serving others. I’m thankful for a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I’m thankful for two vehicles and the freedom to come and go as we please. I’m thankful that I live in a country where, at least for now, I am free to worship the ONE TRUE GOD however and whenever I please.
I’m thankful for the opportunity to invest in the lives of three little children that I would never have met in any other circumstance and I’m thankful that they are softening up to us more and more each day.

I’m thankful that in a house full of six children, I get about eight hours of sleep at night.

I’m thankful that our table has never been empty and our pantry never bare.

I’m thankful for friends/sisters in Christ who make me laugh and lift me up on those days when “I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!” 🙂

Cheesey as it may sound, I’m thankful for Christmas music, Christmas decorations, tradition, the smell of mulling spices, holiday dish towels, scented pinecones, candles, and HGTV. The little things in my everyday life often bring me the most joy.

I’m thankful for sweet, slobbery toddler kisses, “I love you”s from my beautiful boys, delicious hugs from sweet-smelling kids after bath time, the way my hubby looks me in the eyes, tells me he loves me, and kisses me good-bye each morning.

I seriously COULD go on forever, but I have to get my casserole in the oven!

Happy Thanksgiving Ya’ll!


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