The Calm Before the Storm

I don’t even know why I chose that title for this post. I am anything and everything but calm! I’ve had a pit in my stomach since yesterday afternoon. Not because three children are coming, but just the overwhelming amount of things that must be done today, tomorrow, and everyday after that to keep our house running smoothly and making sure all SIX of our children are being loved and cared for excellently. We’ve stated all along that we rest in peace that GOD has always known exactly who our foster placements would be. God knows what our family needs and what our foster children need.

He promises me that His grace is sufficient.

He promises never to give me more than I can handle.

He promises that I can do ALL things through Him.

Those are some pretty great promises if you ask me! So, I’m going to accept the fact that there is no way everything is going to be exactly the way I have it planned in my mind. My house will most definitely NOT stay clean all the time. Beds will be unmade. Dishes will sit in the sink…….OVER NIGHT (**gasp**). There may be days when I can’t remember if I’ve eaten or had a shower. BUT:

God’s mercies are new every single morning.

Every morning, regardless of the day before, I can take a deep breath and know that His grace is sufficient for THIS day. That is all I need. Just enough for right now. I don’t need to look to the future…or even tomorrow!

All that said, I’d still greatly appreciate your prayers. Pray that I can continue to fight off thoughts of defeat and fear. Pray that Josh and I will rely on the Lord to make us a great team in this new season of our life. Pray that the boys will embrace, welcome, and accept their new ‘siblings’ into our home and family. Pray that those around us, in our everyday life, will be supportive and prayerful as well. Also, please pray that God would direct us as to where we need to put the four year old in school. The ten year old is in fifth grade and will go to our zoned elementary school, but the four year old class is full and as far as I know, I MUST enroll him in a pre-k program. All the great ones I’ve called today are full. But God knows that!

Goodness, now that I think about it, don’t you think this exact post (minus the school stuff) applies perfectly to what you can pray for the Baileys as well? Ashley and the twins will be released from the hospital tomorrow and will go home to a brand new world. Their family now looks completely different than two days ago. Life will never be the same; in a great, marvelous, and miraculous way. But they can definitely use your prayers! Let’s pray them through this new, uncomfortable, transition into being a family of seven with newborn twins!

Well. Tomorrow is the day.


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