Thursday Quickie

This is going to be short and sweet because I’ve got a full day ahead of me…

…you know, I’ve been praying for a freezer for our garage. I gave a friend some of my ‘scrap gold’ to sell for me at her gold party. The freezer I want at Sam’s costs $178.

My gold sold for $210! Thank you Lord!!!

Please pray that today goes well and that I find favor with the “guy from State”. Our agency is being audited, so someone from the state will be going to all of the foster homes in the area to make sure we all meet their standards and comply with all of their millions of rules and regulations. We’ve only had our children for a week, so our house isn’t quite at 100% for three children since that was not what we were expecting. Please pray for mercy! 🙂

I’ll let you know how it goes!

This quote was in an email from my aunt yesterday,

“Just was I was getting used to yesterday, along came today!”

That made me smile.


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