Six Goals For 2010

Okay, I said I would post six goals for 2010 according to the categories that Dave Ramsey recommends, so here they are:

CAREER: As a foster parent, I hope to receive a new placement of children that we are able to help long-term. I’ve even considered checking out DFCS and seeing what it would take to be a foster parent for them, instead of the private agency we’re working with now, so we could have ONE foster child, rather than two or more. (our agency specializes in keeping siblings together, so they never see families with only one child. those cases are placed through other agencies.)

FINANCIAL: We are starting Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University at church this coming Sunday. We plan to be debt-free except for our mortgage within 24 months!

SPIRITUAL: I want to show my children what it looks like to have a servant’s heart. I also want to read my Bible more, both in my quiet time and as a family. I want to use Biblical perspective more regularly when disciplining and correcting my children. I’ve gone through seasons when I’ve been very consistent with Biblical correction, but lately, I’ve regressed back to raising my voice, spanking often, and sending them to their rooms without really getting on a heart level with them. That has to change.

INTELLECTUAL: I want to read more. I love to read, but I don’t make time for it as much as I should. I would like to keep a goal of finishing one book per month.

PHYSICAL: I would like to lose 50 lbs. this year. That is less than 1 lb. per week! That would be a slow steady loss and put me back in single digit sizes by Christmas! That is very realistic and attainable! Not only that, I want to be more active this year…on a regular basis.

FAMILY: Josh and I would really love to add another baby to our family this year. As strange as it sounds, the thought of pregnancy gives me a huge boost of motivation to lose weight and become active. I want to enjoy my next pregnancy; it could be my last. I love being pregnant, but it’s no fun when you’re 50 pounds overweight.

I also want to consciously enjoy my family more. I hope we can slow down and spend more quality time together. I want to be better ‘friends’ with my children, laugh with them more, and have more FUN with my husband. I’ve definitely taken life way too seriously in the last year and it’s time to loosen up!

2010 is going to be a fun and successful year!

What are your goals?


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