New Kids On The Block

Well, here we are again, a family of eight. We got a call from our agency last night while we were still at church. There was an emergency placement that needed a place to sleep at the very least. Three children, ages 6yrs(girl), 17mo.(boy), and 6mo(boy). I picked them up at 9:00pm last night and they were all asleep by 10:00pm.
Between the three of them, I think I only slept an hour or two at a time all night. Surprisingly, I’ve been fine today; probably still a steady flow of adrenaline! I’m sure I’ll crash tonight.
Once again, they came with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, so I’m taking little girl shopping tonight. It should be fun. We ate lunch at Chick-fil-A today and she had never even heard of Chick-fil-A….she asked for a hamburger. 🙂
Once again, God is already pouring out His grace and goodness. We’ve had friends give us baby clothes for the boys and unused cans of formula for the youngest. Good grief, I haven’t used formula in seven years–that stuff is EXPENSIVE! Holy Cow!
I’m looking forward to whatever amount of time we have with these children. The boys are already doing very well. Owen has been so sweet with the babies and Joshua and Jesse are playing well with the six year old.

More to come later…like when I told sister to stop rocking the baby because he had just eaten and might puke on her. Her response was, “Why do you always use hard words?? What in the world is ‘puke’?” lol. 🙂


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