Marching Through Proverbs

I’ve known quite a few people in the past who regularly read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb each day.  This schedule brings you completely through both books every month.

This month, our worship leader challenged us to “March Through Proverbs”.  Today, obviously, is the 16th, so I read Proverbs 16.  I found a great verse that I will be using a LOT around my house with my children.  It is Proverbs 16:24:

“Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Did you know that scientific studies have been done to prove that harsh words can change the molecular structure of a living thing?  Scientists looked at a piece of apple, for example, before beginning the experiment.  It would look like a ‘normal’ apple under the microscope.  Then, they would sit and yell at the apple (I’m not joking.) and scream horrible things at it, speaking directly to the apple.  When they placed the very same piece of apple back under the microscope, it looked completely different; almost as if things had exploded, like a war zone.

How much more of an effect do our words have on our souls?

Duet. 30:19b:  “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.”

In two days, I will read from Proverbs 18:21:  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

I don’t know about you, but with six children constantly pulling me in six different directions, I have to consciously and constantly mind my words.  I want to be speaking life and blessings into my children.


One Response to “Marching Through Proverbs”

  1. Cacy Says:

    oh my! i only have 2 kids and i really need to work on this! use kind words and a pleasant tone…Let your words always be full of grace. Colossians 4:6 is another good one…