
This weekend was ah-mazing.

The weather was absolutely beautiful. The kids were great. We had fun in the sun and made plans for the next few weeks.

We’re going to borrow a tiller from a friend so we can get started on our new garden. This year’s garden will be ten times bigger and in a different location. I’m planning for wild flowers, herbs, vining plants, and all the usual fruits and veggies. I can’t wait to get started!

Today is another GORGEOUS day.

Sunny and 70.

I took Jesse to his new Immunologist this morning and he basically said if all he finds in Jesse’s blood work is the same immune deficiencies that we already know about, he does not want to see him back.  He said about 1 in 5,000 kids have this type of immune deficiency and the majority of them outgrow it before puberty.  I told him of my plans to home school and he said that would definitely be the best thing for him and his immune system.  The blood work was incredibly traumatic, as usual, so I decided to keep Jess home from school.  We ate breakfast at Chick-fil-A and came home to work in the back yard.

We played catch, raked leaves, prepared our old veggie garden for flowers, and had lunch on the back patio.  Now the boys are sitting in the front yard watching the tree guys take down our neighbor’s tree.  I love boys!  🙂  So easily and simply entertained and fascinated.

Days like these make me long for a country home where the boys could run wild and we could tend to our little animals (because of course we’d have animals!), pick flowers for every room in the house, and make fresh bread every week.

I suppose I can do most of those things with the house I have now…except for the animals.

I’m so excited for summer and having the kids home all day.  Later mornings are sounding really good too.  I’m looking forward to some summer schooling as well.  I know it sounds torturous, but the kids really thrive on having a solid daily routine…that doesn’t involve cartoons and video games.  It will, however, involve a swimming pool of some sort; hopefully the Family Y.   Six weeks to go!!   Jesse’s last day is May 15!!    YYAAYYYY!!!


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