Did I Say UNFORESEEN Hitches??

This seems to be the pattern in my life right now…  UNFORESEEN Hitches.

I suppose I ought to start FORESEEING, or looking for, the hitches.  It might make my life a little easier.

I called the children’s DFCS caseworker on Thursday morning around 10:30am to confirm that they would be picked up from my house around 3:00pm.  To my shock, the caseworker had not even heard from the relative that was suppose to be taking them.  I’m told they will try again next week, but my gut tells me this “family member situation” may fall through altogether.  It’s so sad to see generations of family members messed up and dysfunctional.   Please know that I am not talking about the usual ‘dysfunctional family’ stuff.  I’m talking about major issues (typically illegal issues), that once they’ve seen their parents do it and their grandparents do it, they see it as the norm and go on to repeat the same mistakes and suffer the same consequences.  It’s so incredibly sad.

The silver lining is that the children are still with us and are just as happy and healthy as ever.  I will continue to pray that they will move in God’s timing and not a moment sooner.

I suppose there’s a chance they will end up going to their family next week, but I’m certainly not banking on it!


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