The Mom Who Cried Girls

You know, like The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

That’s what I feel like! …Except for the fact that I am not actually lying about our girls, it just feels like I’m talking about something that doesn’t exist because this is turning into such a long, communication-starved journey.

The good thing is, my sweet supervisor at our agency put in several calls to some “more important people with a little more pull” toward the end of last week. SOOooo, hopefully, hopefully, HOPEFULLY we’re hear something of some sort SOMETIME this week. 🙂

Last week was a whirlwind of pool mornings and late VBS evenings. I started to not feel so well on Thursday of last week and by Friday night I was miserable with a sore throat and a fever half way through the night. Josh had the terrible sore throat as well and my mom called me Saturday morning to inform me that she had tested positive for strep. So, being sick and tired, I sent Josh to the clinic Saturday morning, hoping if he tested positive for strep, they’d give ME a prescription for antibiotics as well since we share germs quite often….you know, being husband and wife and all. 🙂 I was right. He tested positive and the doc gave us both prescriptions for FREE antibiotics; thank you, Lord, for that program!

My amazing in-laws kept the boys all weekend for us so we could lay around, take our medicine, watch movies, and eat an entire box of popsicles…..undisturbed. I’m serious, I’ve never had strep that bad before. On Saturday, I felt worse than when I had the flu… was more like the worst case of the flu on top of the worst sore throat I’d ever had in my life. Anyways, enough whining, I’m all better now.

Last night, after the VBS Family Night Cookout at church, we all piled in our bed and the boys suddenly were all enthralled with Little Women, you know, my favorite movie in the whole world?!? I can’t believe it! Three little boys begging me to remember at what “chapter” we stopped the movie for bedtime prayers, so we could pick back up tomorrow at the same spot.

Yes boys, I’ll remember. We turned it off right when Jo refused Teddy’s proposal and they’re both in the woods by the old fence….I’ll remember.

Joshua even said, Momma, do we have the next one? Meaning, do we have the sequel, I guess? When I told him “No, there is no sequel.” His response was perfect,
What?! How will we know what else happens later in their lives??

Believe me, Joshua, I feel the same way!! I’m hoping their love for the movie will make them want me to read them the book, which surely has many more details about their lives, as books always do.

We just finished lunch and the boys are piled into my bed again, so I’d better go start the movie.

Happy Monday!


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