Happy Birthday Owen

Owen’s 3rd birthday was June 22nd and we had his party on the 19th.

I was flipping through my Family Fun magazine at the beginning of June when I saw a great idea for Toy Story themed cupcakes.  Owen LOVES Toy Story…and Woody, and Buzz, and everything about the movies.  He can watch Toy Story 1 and 2 in one sitting if we let him.   Toy Story 3 was being released in theaters on June 18th, so I decided we’d have a Toy Story themed party on Saturday, have brunch foods mid-morning, and then we could all head over to the theater (about 2 minutes from my house) and watch Toy Story 3!   Everything went exactly as planned and Owen had a wonderful party.  He even invited two of his best buddies (both named Jonathan!), which made it that much more special.  Would you believe we had 21 seats saved in the theater and all eleven or twelve kids (siblings and Bailey babies included) did great during the movie!  I was so pleased.

What are party pictures without pictures of the food?? I made Toy Story cupcakes that looked like the little green alien squeaky toys, fruit kabobs, sausage balls, and the Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Rolls

I just had to include this picture of my dad. He LOVES kids, particularly babies. He had a blast holding Drew and entertaining Susan, who also enjoyed the attention. 🙂 He’s such a great Grandpa. I know he looks forward to more grandbabies.

Ashley braved bringing all five of her kids by herself because her hubby was busy with school stuff that weekend. The kids had a blas

Nana and Grandpa gave Owen this cute little convertible Toy Story couch.  He had slept with it in his bed every night since his party.

On another note, Owen had his three year well-child check up a few days after his birthday.  His doctor asked about his eating habits.  We’ve always known Owen is rather big for his age, but also know that some of his three and four year old friends are smaller for their age, so that makes Owen look even bigger.  I told the doctor his eating habits are great and Jesse said, “Yeah, Owen will eat anything!”  The doctor smiled and said, “Well, he’s about the size of a healthy four and a half year old!”

The doctor was asking Owen questions about shapes and colors.  He was pointing to colors in a book and asking Owen what they were.  For some reason, Owen struggles with his colors.  Sometimes he gets them 100% and tells you with confidence, other times he looks at you like he’s never seen that color before in his life.  Of course this was one of those days.  Owen kept looking up at me with big eyes, as if to say, Okay, a little help Mom! Owen could tell he was suppose to be giving some answers, so he put a big smile on, looked up at the doctor and said, “I can tell you my presidents!” The doctor laughed and looked at me expecting me to say he was kidding.  I was able to explain our classical home schooling and how the boys learn and memorize all kinds of great material because much of it is put to music, making it simple for even the preschool-age siblings.  Those are the moments that make my heart smile and confirm how much I love educating my children around the same dining room table, under the same roof.

At this rate, the youngest kids in our family should end up being the most well-educated; by default!  🙂

Happy Birthday Owen!   I can’t believe you’re THREE already!  You remain the easiest, most easy going, loving

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