New Year, New Mind

I know it’s already January 7th, but I’m so excited to share this with you!

I am one of Beth Moore’s “sistahs”. Yes, it’s sisters…with some attitude. 😉 Spell check corrected it to “siestas” back in the beginning and she decided to keep it. Everyone who follows her blog is called her siesta. Beth decided to create a Siesta Scripture Memory Team. Anyone who wants to can join the team. On the first and fifteenth of each month you pick a different scripture verse to memorize. By the end of the year, we’ll have 24 new verses engraved on our hearts.

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with scripture memory, just as I struggle to exercise. I have to make it a priority. My life depends on it (the exercise AND the scripture memory).

Here is the link to Beth Moore’s blog and the exact instructions if you choose to join the Siesta Scripture Memory Team. Tara was so sweet to order a Scripture Memory Team spiral for me when she ordered hers. I love it! If you decide to join in on the fun and want the cute little spiral note cards from Living Proof Ministries, you can order them here.

I decided to use one of Beth’s favorite verses for the new year as my first scripture.

“You crown the year with Your good blessings, and You leave abundance in Your wake.” Psalm 65:11, NET Bible

I’m very excited about, yet another, point of accountability this year.

Okay, right now all five kids are sitting in front of the television watching SESAME STREET! lol!! Time to get crack-a-lackin’!

Happy Friday Ya’ll!!


One Response to “New Year, New Mind”

  1. Cacy Says:

    I am one of Beth Moore’s “sistahs” too. So glad I know someone else doing this! It’s gonna be GREAT!! My first verse is Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” btw, I typed that by memory! 🙂