Spring Cleaning

We’re already nine days into March and it’s feeling more and more like spring outside.  This week we’re making a few important to-do lists and evaluating what needs to be changed as we wrap up our CC school year in three weeks and move into a different school mode for the summer.  Every summer looks different for us.  This summer we’ll probably do more school work than we have in any past summer.  The boys are getting older and there is great need in our house to stick with some sort of normal routine that doesn’t just involve waking up and spending the day at the pool.

We will take bi-weekly trips to the library to keep our reading choices limitless, and will continue throughout the summer with Saxon math, Language Lessons, and Sequential Spelling.  Two subjects we fell slightly behind in with our classical memory work were geography and timeline so we will review that often as well.  I’m excited about the changes and look forward to our “summer break”.

My house is in need of a good spring cleaning and purging.  Slowly but surely I’m going to make my way through each room in the house and clean it from top to bottom while also going through every drawer, closet, and cubby, getting rid of things we do not use or need.  If I can just spend thirty minutes to an hour a day in one room I can be done in no time.  Here is the order I intend to use.  I will try to take some before and afters.  🙂



Living Room/Foyer

School Room

Master Bedroom/Bathroom

Boys’ Bathroom

Dining Room

Boys’ Bedroom

Garage  (We will probably work in the garage every weekend…it’s going to be quite a task!)

Fly Lady has a great tool to help with Spring Cleaning and then maintain it year round with relative ease.  It’s called Zone Cleaning.  If you’ve never checked out her site and are in need of help getting your house in order, I’d recommend it.


For some reason it feels like it should be Thursday or Friday already.

Oh well, happy Wednesday!


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