It’s WHAT month?

Tomorrow is June 1st.  Besides the fact that half the year has already disappeared, I took a glance at June’s schedule of events and realized that I will likely wake up in a few days and it will already be July.  I mean, we have three jam-packed days of practicum this week, VBS next week, adoption yard sale next weekend, Nashville worship conference the week after that, and Owen and Jesse’s birthdays and parties within a week of that….then it’s July!  It’s all good because my Daddy comes home from Iraq in July, but it also means the ’11-’12 school year will be less than a month away.

Okay, now is when I slow down.  I’ve really been enjoying my boys lately.  I mean really!  We sleep in a little later than usual, make waffles for breakfast at 10am, and hang around in our jammies and fold giant mountains of laundry while watching Old Yeller .  We had already been out and about this morning and were just settling back in when one of the boys said, “Can we, maybe, go to the library sometime this week?”

My response, “How about right now!  Get your shoes on.”

We had fun at the downtown library, which is nice and spacious and never crowded, we ate lunch with Josh, and now we’re watching a movie with our sheets and pillows piled up in the living room and the blackout curtains pulled closed.  I just might take a little nap.

This summer will not fly by for a lack of rest and relaxation.  We will enjoy our slower schedule.  We’ll speak life to one another.  We’ll have spontaneous trips to Nana’s and eat dessert before our meals.  We’ll play in the sprinkler and spend some days at the lake.  It’s going to be a great summer and it’s only just begun.



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