We Need Your Help

I’m just going to be real here.  Every penny we’ve raised/earned/saved so far for Zoe has already been paid to the agency or used for things like ordering documents for our home study and dossier.  As soon as our home study is complete (we have our last appointment next week!  woohoo!) we can start applying for grants.  However, we can’t finish our home study and dossier without a few important and expensive items and we simply don’t have the money right now. Please don’t misunderstand me and think, “Goodness, if they can’t even afford the paperwork process, how can they afford to adopt?!” It’s not like that.  If we had time to throw together another yard sale this Saturday or a bake sale this Sunday, we’d do it and no doubt have the money we need by next week.  If we wait until payday, it’ll put us almost a month behind in the process.  But this stuff needs to get done, like, yesterday.  What I’m asking is that you share our story with anyone you think might be interested in Bows for Life or our puzzle fundraiser. Here are our current needs to complete our home study and dossier:

Two passports that must be expedited to arrive on time:    $240

Four passport pictures each for myself and my husband:   $80

8-hour Hague Training online:   $175



I know that God is going to provide the money need right when we need it, but I also know that often times He uses His people to bless each other in times of need.  If you feel led to give or share our story, I know you’ll be blessed in return.  If nothing else, please continue to pray.  Pray for Zoe and her birth mom (she could still be in utero for all we know).  Pray for her safety and that she’ll have food to eat or milk to drink.  Pray that someone will be there to love her and sing to her and hold her each and every day until we get to her.  We’ve even been praying that God would put hope in her heart, knowing that Mommy and Daddy are on their way.  That her Father will not leave her or forsake her; she is not an orphan!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within.”  Ephesians 3:20



2 Responses to “We Need Your Help”

  1. Christi Says:

    I posted this to my Facebook account. God bless you!

  2. Nicole Says:

    praying for ya’ll!