2011 Spring Garden

Today was the day I’d been waiting for since the very first spring-like day weeks ago.  I got all of my sprouted seeds lined up, several trips to the local nursery for more compost, and prepared to get good and dirty.

As I’ve said in previous posts, this will be my first year going Square Foot Garden Method 100%.  I’m really looking forward to a good crop and many, many mornings in the garden, watering, pruning, tending, and eventually harvesting.  I borrowed the Homesteading for Beginners dvds and they have been so much fun to watch with Josh and the boys.  Everything from gardening and preserving to raising and BUTCHERING chickens.

I was surprised at just how much time it took me to get everything just right in my garden beds.  First I had to make sure my Mel’s Mix was properly combined, then I had to take one load at a time from the tarp where I mixed the soil to each bed until they were full.  Then Josh had to put nails in each bed so I could use twine to make my square foot grids.  From there it was a piece of cake, although I was already exhausted at this point.  The sun was beating down on me all day and although I had long sleeves and long pants on, I still managed to get a little sun.  I put all of my plants and seeds in the ground and gave it all a good watering.  I even let the boys get a few pots for their own little herb gardens.  I am so excited to see how this year turns out compared to previous years and different methods.  I will be doing my weekly and monthly pictures as soon as there’s progress from the seeds.


After I put the re-bar in the ground and set up my wagon cover for extra protection.  (I have to go get the plastic cover tomorrow.)


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