A Little Late Night Cleaning

It is officially Saturday!  Well, it’s 1am, Saturday morning.  Josh and I had a much deserved, well earned, much needed date night tonight with some great friends.  Our last stop was the “S” word…yep, Starbucks.  The smooth salesman behind the counter talked me into a venti and now I’m wide awake with no where to go and no one to talk to.  Josh fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow an hour and a half ago.  I started to get ready for bed, knowing that sleep was way off in the distance, and I realized I really ought to take advantage of this jittery caffiene buzz and get some house work done.  First I unloaded the dishwasher, put a load of towels in the dryer, cleaned up the living room, and then moved to my big project…the kitchen…dun-dun-dun!!!  Yuck!  I swear I feel like I clean the kitchen everyday, but no matter how careful I am at each meal, and no matter how quickly I load those dishes into the dishwasher, it still manages to get filthy and messy every 12-24 hours or so!? 

SO, I did what I always do to get motivated…I cranked up my itunes, filled the sink with warm water and Pinesol, and got to work!  🙂  About 30 minutes and some dish-pan hands later, my kitchen is almost sparkling and now I’m winding down on the computer, a lot closer to sleep than I was an hour ago.

I have a long list of things that I’d like to get done this weekend, but most of all, I just want to relax and hang out with Josh and the boys.  We had plans for Saturday, but luckily, they got rescheduled due to expected rain, and I’m really looking forward to sticking around the house.

Time to get in bed.  Oh, that reminds me…I need to change all the bed linens tomorrow. 


One Response to “A Little Late Night Cleaning”

  1. Tara Says:

    Where am I at one in the morning when ya need me! JK LOL