Good-Bye Beloved Summer

Once again, August is here and I find myself over-joyed at the thought of school, fall, and the quickly approaching holiday season.  Every summer seems to fly by faster than the one before and each summer brings new experiences and joyful memories for our family.  This summer we spent many days at the pool, made several visits to the grandparents’, went camping a few times, had a visit from Uncle Luke, and continued the work on our addition onto the back of our house.  Jesse learned to swim by himself and even took some brave leaps from the diving board, Owen began potting training, and Joshua finished the book that taught him how to read.  We read Little House in the Big Woods and Swiss Family Robinson and of course we had many “family movie nights” in our living room with popcorn and M&Ms.  It has indeed been a wonderful summer.  The months ahead hold many firsts for our family.  We will finally have our first foster children, Jesse will go to kindergarten at the same Christian school that my husband and I both graduated from, and I will have the opportunity to homeschool Joshua for another year.  We have changed curriculum and we’re looking forward to learning new and exciting things from a Biblical worldview. 

Of course the coming months also hold the most exciting new thing of all…the birth of my best friend’s twin boys.  I am so excited about their approaching arrival and look forward to many days at her house helping in any way that I can as she adjusts to a major change in their lives.

And lastly, the holidays will be upon us before we know it.  Here it is August and I can hardly account for where the entire summer slipped away too.  That only means that November and December will get here with equal haste and before we know it, we’ll be ringing in 2010.  Wow.  I’m getting tired just thinking about it! 

I hope you’ve all had a great and memorable summer as well and are already planning for a successful fall regardless of what it holds for you. 

One Response to “Good-Bye Beloved Summer”

  1. Tara Says:

    love your beautiful family!