Darn Those Uncontrollable Bodily Functions

I bet I peaked your interest with a title like that, huh? 

Last night was my sister-in-law’s senior recital.  She is about to graduate from college with a degree in Vocal Performance (I think that’s the degree?).  We were so glad to finally make it to one of her recitals and she did an amazing job. 

Jesse was very excited, can you tell?

Jesse was very excited, can you tell?

I spent over half the night in the foyer and outside with the boys, but all in all, everything was great.  My other sis-in-law, her husband, and their daughter, Lucy, were there as well and it was wonderful to see them. 

Beautiful Lucy.  She'll be two on Thanksgiving.

Beautiful Lucy. She'll be two on Thanksgiving.

 My mother-in-law did an awesome job decorating for the reception and the food was fantastic.  I swear I’ve learned more from her about cooking, baking, and being a hostess, in eight years of marriage, than all my years of watching the Food Network and HGTV; she’s awesome. 

The boys really did do a great job behaving, using their manners, and obeying when we had to reign them in.  At 9:00pm, the night was almost over.  We were all full of finger foods, tired, and ready to get on the road for our two and a half hour drive home.  I was still sitting down when Owen walked over to me and put his head in my lap with his face straight toward my stomach.  When he lifted his head, I realized he had spit his carrots out all over my shirt.  Lovely. 

This face should have been my warning for what was to come!

This face should have been my warning for what was to come!

I stood up to wipe the cud off my shirt…just in time to dodge the puke.  Yep, that’s right, Owen puked up carrots, grapes, and chocolate, all over the floor, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FOOD TABLE!!  Anyone want seconds?!?  I was mortified and began piling baby wipes on top of the puke.  Luckily it wasn’t all chunky and colorful like most puke, it was mostly water with a few grape skins and shreds of carrot, so it wasn’t all that obvious what had just happened.  In fact, I was trying to make it look like we had spilled something.  The horrid look on my face probably gave away my plan, but I tried.  HAHA!  Josh had taken Owen to the bathroom to clean him up and then came out of the bathroom with a half naked child.  Yes, by this time, everyone is staring and wondering why the rednecks took their child’s clothes off at this semi-formal reception. I just smiled and said, “Oh, he just had a little too much to eat and made a mess on his shirt.” I could have added, –“if you’d like to see exactly what he ate, you can take a peek under that pile of wipes over there!”–but I didn’t.

I know it looks like he's about to puke again, but he was just coughing. :)

I know it looks like he's about to puke again, but he was just coughing. 🙂

We gave him a clean shirt in the car and headed home.  Thankfully, all of the boys slept the whole way and we made it home without hitting any deer or getting pulled over by the 246 policemen we passed on those back roads.  Unfortunately, Owen had a fever when we got home.  We’ll see how he’s doing this morning (he’s still asleep right now). 

I cannot believe it will be NOVEMBER in two days!!  This year has FLOWN by!

Have a great weekend!


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