Wasting Away

Now that I’ve been sitting at the computer for an hour and a half checking emails, editing weekend pictures, and catching up on my favorite blogs, I’m going to do a ‘quickie post’ and get off of this beast so I can actually do something productive today…like teach my first grader!!

My weekend started off ‘so-so’. My hubby went on a men’s retreat Friday night and I was looking forward to putting the boys in bed fairly early and getting some stuff done around the house, as well as watching some chick-flicks and catching up on my magazine reading. For some reason, once the boys were in bed, I found myself feeling very lonely and somewhat frightened at the thought of sleeping alone, with my husband 30 minutes away. I know; stupid.

I finally got moving around 9:00pm and put in The Proposal. It was the third time I had seen it. I laugh out loud every time and I was needing a good laugh. When I put the movie in I decided to go ahead and start a load of laundry….then I decided to unload the dishwasher…then I grabbed a pile of papers that needed to be sorted and filed…then I grabbed Joshua’s school books and my notebook so I could do my lesson plans for the week…THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ‘BOUT! I don’t know why it just took me a little while to get a second wind, but I finally became productive and ended up getting a LOT done while watching my movie. Unfortunately, I only ended up sleeping about two hours that night, but I had the rest of the weekend to nap and relax…yeah right.

Saturday was awesome. My dad came first thing in the morning and went with the boys and me to the fall festival at Jesse’s school.


Jesse was fascinated by the challenge of the Rock Wall. I think he attempted it five or six times before finally making it ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP and pushing that button of success which let out a loud siren noise for all the neighborhood to hear. He was SO proud. The man in charge of the rock wall said he’d never seen a five year old make it to the top…or even WANT to! I was proud too. I also informed the man that that was how Jesse lost his first tooth; repelling from his treehouse by a clothesline!!




We went home shortly after lunch and my dad headed back to Greenwood. Josh got home early in the afternoon and by 2:30 most of us were asleep. Josh, Owen, and I slept until 5:00pm and we realized we had slept through most of the local churches’ Fall Festivals. We decided we’d take the boys’ to our pastor’s house and let them trick-or-treat with their kids.


They had a blast and Josh and I enjoyed hanging out with Brian and Joy; we hadn’t spent time together in a while and it was fun catching up.

Sunday was a blur. I had to work in the infant nursery, we went to my in-laws’ for lunch, then we literally laid in bed and watched TV for about three hours while the boys napped. We ordered pizza for dinner and let the boys stay up an hour past their bedtime so they could watch a Dora movie. Why in the world do they play kids movies at 8:00pm on school nights?? I mean, why not 6:30 or 7:00?? I’ll never understand!

Overall, it was a great weekend. Now it’s Monday and almost 10:00am and I have yet to do ANYTHING. Ashley just dropped Jonathan, her two year old, off and headed to the hospital to get checked. She’s been contracting all morning and has had back pain as well. She is 36 weeks today and was already 1cm and effacing at her appointment last week. Maybe those boys will make their debut this week!! I’ll keep you posted!!

Happy Monday!!


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