Joy Comes In The Morning

This is it. The day we’ve been waiting for since February. My best friend, Ashley, arrived at the hospital at 6:00am this morning, 11.11.09.

Last night I was able to spend a few hours with her, tying up loose ends, and doing last minute errands.
We got pedicures…BLESS HER HEART!

Then, we went back to her house to finish cleaning up and packing. I just couldn’t resist taking a few more pictures to document this incredibly momentus occasion.

This picture doesn’t quite capture how tiny these onesies are, but it’s adorable all the same.

This is the cutest part!

And here is one last profile pic of THE BELLY. 37 weeks and one day. I think she looks absolutely incredible!

And, just for fun! 🙂

Please pray today as Ashley’s body prepares to birth these babies. Pray that their heart rates stay strong, their cords stay straight, they both stay head down, and that Ashley has an enjoyable delivery. I suppose you should also pray for Stephen, her husband, that he feels equipped with everything he could possibly need to continue to provide for his children and the husband and father that God has intended him to be. We give God all the glory for this incredible miracle. I look forward to posting pictures of little Ben and Drew this afternoon!!


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