Who Are You and What Did You Do With ME?!

I don’t know what happened to me yesterday. Suddenly I was completely overwhelmed with the MANY things I have to do over the next six weeks or so. Between room mom duties for Jesse’s class, the impending foster children’s arrival, getting myself, my family, and my house ready for the holidays, and the HUGE task of making a new 2010 nursery rotation for church…I’m just about to lose my mind, wet my pants, pull my hair out, a little stressed. On top of all of that, this is what I came home to last night:


That is not me! I’m the girl who cleans WHILE I cook. I HATE going to bed with a dirty kitchen, or dirty ANYTHING for that matter! My house smells like…yuckiness. I can’t put my finger on the smell, but I don’t like it. Would you like to know what gave me a ‘silver lining moment’?



My lonely, clean, Christmas dish towel. Yes, I already have a few Christmas things out and this dish towel just might have saved me from a total meltdown last night.

Needless to say, after taking Jess to school this morning, I came right home and tackled that pile of dirty dishes. It only took me about ten minutes to clean up the whole kitchen. Now I feel much better (except for the dish-pan-hands), it’s given me a jump start to the other things I need to do around the house, and I learned my lesson from over-planning yesterday!

I don’t think we have anything planned for the weekend, and I’m looking forward to making my weekend to-do list and getting lots of things accomplished. My office, in particular, is in desperate need of sprucing up. My school items have gotten terribly disorganized, I’m way behind on my filing, and there are plenty of things in the office that simply DON’T belong there!

Okay, I think that’s enough for one post.

Have a great Tuesday! OH MY GOSH, I almost forgot to mention, MY BEST FRIEND IS DELIVERING HER TWINS TOMORROW!!! I can’t wait!!! Josh is going to work early and coming home at lunch so I can go be with Ashley at the hospital. PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES! Please pray for Ashley tomorrow. Both babies are head down and she’s praying for a vaginal delivery with no complications and two healthy babies! Not too much to ask from a BIG GOD!

Love ya’ll!


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