
Thanks a lot. Now I’m mildly obsessed with Picnik and my husband had to pry my fingers from the mouse on Friday so I would make supper. lol!

I will say, while I was playing with my pictures, my hubby and the boys were waist deep in a hole they dug out back. They made tunnels and bridges and “mountains” for their hotwheels. I took a few pics. I love having boys and watching Josh transform back into a little boy when they do stuff like this together. So sweet.


Josh had his car parked at the top of this ‘cliff’ and he said, “Hey boys, tell Mommy what this place is.” The boys replied, “that’s where you park your car and kiss your wife!” HAHAHA! Some things never change. But at least he emphasized WIFE. 🙂


Jesse was definitely in his own little world, making engine noises, talking to his car, and occasionally getting ‘stuck on the dirt road.’


It’s so fun seeing the world through their eyes.

Happy Monday everyone! Let’s get stuff done today! Set that kitchen timer and start tackling some projects. Get the house back in order from the weekend…I know mine needs it!!


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