Much Too Much

I have SOooo much to share from the last week or so I don’t even know where to begin.

I took six pages (front and back) of notes from the Priscilla Shirer conference. I will surely be sharing some of those in the days to come.

The kids and I have all been sick with colds, sniffles, fevers, coughs, etc, etc…nothing life-threatening. 🙂 (don’t you just *love* it when you’re on the computer trying to complete a thought and you can already hear someone in another room saying, “THAT’S IT! I’M TELLING MOMMY!”) Ugh!

Our school time has been great this week. More structured but also more relaxed, if that makes any sense.

I think I’m going to go ahead and hang my big white board in the “foster kids’ room”, even though we won’t be able to make the full “school room” transition until they leave.

I needed to go grocery shopping BADLY so I went at 6:00 this morning. Is there really any other way to grocery shop when you have five kids (or even TWO kids?)!? It only took me about 45 minutes to do two weeks worth of shopping and have it all unloaded by 7am. It’s amazing what you do when you’re desperate. We’ve been wiping our butts with Kleenex for the last three or four days because I just never could make it to the store. I had been carefully cutting off the fuzzy white parts that were starting to grow on our final loaf of bread because I didn’t have all of the ingredients I needed to make more. Thankfully, those problems are solved now and all is right in our world.

When I finished my grocery shopping and realized I still had a few minutes before 7:00, I decided to drive thru Starbucks. It was pure bliss to sit in the Hobby Lobby parking lot, sipping my latte, listening to Anthony Evans, and meeting with the Lord. Anthony is Priscilla’s brother, son of Tony Evans. What an incredible worship leader. More on that later. 🙂

Time for lunch. The natives are starting to bite my ankles.

Happy Thursday!!


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