Rest For the Weary

For six months this trip has been planned. Girlfriends at Grace are going to see Priscilla Shirer at a church in Columbia. I signed up for the trip knowing I would need the refreshing of a girls’ weekend and knowing God has always been faithful to meet me right where I am in life. I also knew in the back of my mind that we would likely have foster children when October 8th and 9th rolled around. However, my husband has not wavered in his willingness to let me go. We leave at 1:00pm tomorrow and will arrive back sometime Saturday evening.

Tonight I’m down to three kids while my oldest two are out for a bit. Everyone has been bathed, laundry is done, the kitchen is clean, and all of the dishes are washed. I probably won’t pack until noon tomorrow when e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. else has been completed.

Today was wonderful. My Aunt Kathy came down from Maine to help take care of my mother after her back surgery. She decided, since my mom is doing exceptionally well, she’d come to Augusta for the day to see the kids and me. She brought fruit salad and roast beef from the deli. Lunch was delicious as we sliced through hot bread soon after it was pulled from the oven. The children climbed trees and rolled around in the dirt as Aunt Kathy and I sat in the living room listening to the giggles and squeals from the open windows. I closed my eyes as I realized where I’d be in just 24 hours. Relaxing with the girls. Soaking up the presence of the Lord. Laughing. Crying. Resting.

Jesse went to the symphony with friends and Joshua went to Sam’s school talent show.

Everyone will be asleep soon and I will sit in bed and read with my love. God is good. If ever I’ve needed a little break to regain my sanity, get the pep back in my step, stoke the flames within me, put the wind back in my sails; it is now.


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