In a Perfect World

As I sat down at the computer and began uploading my favorites and my bookmarks (from when Josh killed our computer and then somewhat resurrected it), I began reading post after post on websites about everything from parenting, marriage, health, homeschooling, worship, ministry, etc.

I started longing for more hours in the day. More time to do all of the things I would do if this were a perfect world and every item on my to-do list got marked off every single day.

Every meal would be prepared by my hands.

I would exercise in some form, every day.

Cards and baked good would be brought to neighbors and friends; just because it’s so fun to bless others and let them know that you’re thinking of them and praying for them.

My house would be clean every day.

There would be no need for laundry baskets because I would do one load a day and that would keep me caught up. (HAHAHAHA!!)

I would have a regular time slot in my weekly schedule for sewing, scrapbooking, and writing.

I would have two hours each morning to spend in worship, prayer, and God’s word. Not just reading it, but studying it and memorizing it as if someone could take my Bible at any moment and I’d never have one in my hands again for as long as I live.

We would have families over for dinner two or three nights a week, because there’s nothing quite like the fellowship of kindred spirits around the dinner table.

I would wear a size six. (haha, this is ‘in a PERFECT world’, right?)

My children would beg to sit and read with me for an hour each day and we wouldn’t even own a television.

I think I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here.

All of this to say, I think some change is in order at the Wilkerson home. I’m not even sure what yet, but spending a lot of time trying to figure it out. Simplifying is definitely at the top of the list and so is organization. More on this later I suppose.

Happy, sleepy, rainy Sunday


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