Not What I Expected

I’ve been really excited about today. Monday. I don’t have the twins today and I had big plans.

I expected to completely catch up on laundry.

Change the beds.

Bake Christmas goodies all day long.

Watch a movie with the boys.

Stay in our jammies; never too far from a space heater (much needed in our 40 year old home).

What I did not expect was for our front spigot to burst from the frigid temperatures, flooding our front yard and bringing my poor hubby home from work before lunch. Ironically, the same exact thing happened last year…to the same spigot.

We called a plumber and they quoted us $240! Are you kidding me?!? Who wants to go to medical school when plumbers can charge $200/hour!? Needless to say, I got on the phone and finally spoke with a friend whose husband was a plumber back in the day. Her husband called Josh and told him what to buy and where to buy it. Wanna know what it cost us to replace both the front and back spigots??


Enough said.

Three hours later, my water is finally turned back on, Josh is back at work and will probably have to stay there until 8pm to get his projects finished, and I am no longer in the mood to bake. I did manage to make about 3 dozen snowball cookies and two dozen gingerbread men before the plumbing fiasco. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow…with two cute, little, girlie twins running around the kitchen.

For now, I will return to my bedroom where the last two loads of laundry wait to be folded and put away.

Happy Monday!


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