A Day at the Park

The kids and I are very spontaneous.  I love it when friends drop by or we plan last minute play dates.  Today was one of those days.  I checked my email this morning and found a note from a sweet friend I met in co-op this year.  An hour later we were packed up and ready to have a picnic play date at the park.  She has two boys and a girl and a really incredible story of infertility and God’s amazing grace!

The kids played so well together, we had a sweet time of getting to know each other even better, ate lunch, and headed home for naps.  I thank God daily for such incredible friends.  Friends who challenge you, hold you accountable, and encourage you in the Lord.  I am so honored to be a part of such an amazing group of women/wives/moms and I absolutely love when I get the opportunity to have one on one time with them.

Bonus:  There was a local mom’s group at the park, having an Easter egg hunt and a few of them bought some of our Bows for Life!  If you’ve found your way to my site via KQ and the mom’s group, WELCOME!!  Thanks for stopping by!



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