A Quick Update

I’ll be honest, I’m barely above water right now.

I am now keeping a third child two days a week.  He’s a young toddler and fits in wonderfully.  But no matter how you slice it, six kids is a full house so it’s pretty busy around here Monday thru Friday.  I’m trying to fill all of my Bows for Life orders in a timely fashion, clean my house once in a while, put dinner on the table more than just a few nights a week, school the boys, prepare for my mom to come tomorrow and for our family to leave Friday to go visit my brother and his wife for the weekend.

Somewhere in there, I have to go to Weight Watchers, cut the boys’ hair, pack, and arrange for someone to take care of the chickens on Saturday while we’re gone….oh, and make two desserts for our co-op’s closing ceremonies tomorrow night.

The bad part is I’ve been staying up so late trying to get these things done, that when I finally get a couple of hours in the afternoon to be productive, all I manage to do is take a nap.

It’ll be over soon.  There’s light at the end of the tunnel.

I lost one pound last week.  But hey, a loss is a loss.

We paid off our van and another credit card this month!  For the first time in nine years, we have no car payment…and never intend to ever again!

God is good.  His mercies are new every morning!


Bless you!


One Response to “A Quick Update”

  1. Cacy Says:

    Congrats on the weight loss!! And I am so jealous that you have paid off your van!! We are still working on paying off our suburban…hopefully by the end of the year. I totally feel ya’ on the “no car payment”…we can’t wait. I’m gonna drive my car until the wheels fall off!! haha! 🙂

    Seems like you are one busy mama! Hang in there. 🙂