Adoption Yard Sale #1

Our first yard sale for Zoe was a great success!  We didn’t send out emails for item donations or ask lots of people to help.  We simply wanted to get our feet wet and make a little money for Zoe.  Well boy oh boy did ya’ll surprise us!  So many people called me the day before the sale and asked to drop items off to be sold.  Then Kelli came over for several hours to help me sort, run errands, and pick up the goodies from Panera Bread.  We were blown away with how much food Panera gave us!  We received half of their unsold bakery items (pastries, desserts, breads, bagels, etc!) and a local church received the other half.  Even half was THREE large trash bags full!  We took them home, individually wrapped/bagged each one (there were over 200+ items!) and put them out the morning of the sale.  When we got home from Panera and Walmart, it was already after 9:00pm.  Ali surprised us and came by around 9:15pm to help us finish sorting through the breads and kids’ clothes.  It was so fun sitting on the kitchen floor talking and laughing.  I can’t thank you ladies enough for all of your help!  Ali is due to deliver baby Caroline one week from tomorrow and we are so excited about her arrival!

Josh and I got to bed a little after midnight on Friday night.  We set the alarm clock for 5:30am which came far too quickly.  We got everything set out and somewhat organized by 6:45am when the first shoppers showed up.  It was a long hot day filled with visits from friends, my sweet sister-in-law brought us coffee around 7:30, and Kelli came back to help around 8:30am.  It was a great day and we ended up making just under $700 for Zoe!  We were worn out and a little sunburned, but elated with God’s goodness.

Thank you for your prayers.  We’re $700 closer to our sweet baby Zoe!



One Response to “Adoption Yard Sale #1”

  1. Nicole Says:

    YAY!!!!! SO HAPPY it went well!!!