Adoption Yard Sale

Our first ever Adoption Yard Sale is a little over 24 hours away and I’m so excited and a little overwhelmed.  We didn’t want to kill ourselves with the first one so we didn’t really ask for donations.  We were so excited at how many people offered to donate items or their time to help us prepare.  Tomorrow is going to be busy but I think we can pull it off.  A local coffee shop donated all of their unsold pastries and breads for us to sell Saturday morning, I have lots of bows made to set up a Bows for Life table, we’ll have furniture, lots of kids’ clothes, home decor, appliances, electronics, etc.  Jesse even asked if he could sell his Nintendo DS for $50.  I expected him to ask to keep the money, so I asked him, “Do you want to sell your DS for Zoe?”  and he surprised me with, “OF COURSE! AND MAYBE SOMEONE WILL BUY MY GAMES TOO!”  I sure hope it sells.  He’ll be thrilled.


I had better get off the computer so I can continue making my to-do list for tomorrow and get in bed at a reasonable hour.  Please be praying for BIG success Saturday.




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