Okay. We made it to day three and decided to break our fast. Man, that was tough! Honestly, it makes my heart break for addicts of things like drugs and alcohol. If I felt the way I did toward food after only three days of consuming nothing but juice and water, I cannot even fathom how it feels to be addicted to other types of substances.

I can tell you that we plan to do more juice fasts in the future and we saw incredible results in those 72 hours. I lost five pounds, my face cleared up in 48 hours (my chin has been breaking out for months!), my ‘bad food’ cravings have vanished, I have lots of energy and don’t crash in the afternoons, and we actually find ourselves craving fresh fruit/veggie juice throughout the day.

Tonight I am trying my hand at a vegetarian dinner. We’re having 15 Minute Cream Avocado Pasta and corn and bean fritters.  Right now I’m sipping  some juice because my stomach is rumbling and I’m quite hungry, but I’d rather nourish my body with a little juice rather than a quick snack with empty calories.

I’ll let you know how the meal turns out….here’s hoping!


P.S.  Thank you Nicole for sending me over to Oh She Glows!  Fantastic recipes and nutritional info!



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