Back to School and other updates

Hmmm, I’m trying to figure out where to start!

My meatless quest is going strong and I am very, very happy to report that I feel like a new person since cutting out meat and adding fresh veggie/fruit juice to my daily diet.  We’re still drinking green smoothies for breakfast each morning, except for today because I killed my ten year old blender and will be getting a new one tomorrow.

Before starting our juice fast, I had not had a period since March (sorry if that is too much information, but you need to hear this!).  After only ten days of eliminating meat and adding fresh juice and produce to my daily diet, I started my period!  Could that be a coincidence?  Maybe, but I highly doubt it!  The amount of hormones in our food, mostly through conventional animal products such as meat and milk, are affecting women in ways that will affect generations to come.  Look at how many women have trouble getting pregnant and also how many women get pregnant with twins spontaneously.  The number of women having twins has more than doubled in the past ten years.  Coincidence?  I think not.  As I’ve said before, the only time having twins is hereditary is if your mother was a fraternal twin.  Every other case of twins, including every identical twin pregnancy, is completely spontaneous and miraculous (not that EVERY pregnancy isn’t a miracle, but you get the point.).  We’re consuming hormones that our bodies were never meant to produce.

Meals have been pretty easy as well.  I just don’t serve meat!  We had homemade veggie pizzas last week that were unbelievable.  I made a really delicious crock pot macaroni and cheese recipe and served it with veggies.  Tonight we’re having vegetarian nachos with lettuce, salsa, black beans, cheese, guacamole, and sour cream.  We haven’t cut out all dairy.  We still eat cheese and sour cream, but we’ve switched back to almond milk for baking and drinking.  We no longer have any white sugar in the house!  I had actually run out and when I went to Earth Fare last week, I went ahead and bought a five pound bag of organic demerara sugar, which is just organic cane sugar, never refined and very minimally processed.  It tastes a little bit like brown sugar but is slightly coarse.  This morning I made homemade blueberry muffins with fresh blueberries, demerara sugar, and whole wheat flour.  They were delicious!  Joshua actually ate three and said, “These are awesome!”

We officially started our new school year last week and it has been better than I could have possibly planned.  I have noticed such a tremendous difference in the boys’ behavior, interactions, and patience since we made our diet changes.  I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that mommy is happier, more relaxed, and more patient.  It’s been very peaceful in our house and the television only gets turned on at night when we watch America’s Funniest Videos and Jeopardy as a family.  We’ve done lots of reading and our school work is almost always complete by lunch time if we start at 8:00am.  I thank God each and every morning for my children and for the freedom to homeschool and share each and every precious moment with them.

And lastly, we started our homestudy last week!  Finally!  I also received an email from a couple that Josh and I went to high school with 12 years ago.  They’ve been following our adoption journey and would like to give us $1,000 to help us bring Zoe home!  I could hardly believe my eyes!  I say that, but then I catch myself, because we’ve said all along that we’re confident God will provide every penny we need to bring Zoe home, but seeing that come to fruition is simply amazing.  God is so good.  He’s more than enough.  He is all-sufficient and He will not leave Zoe as an orphan.


Bless you and have a great week!



One Response to “Back to School and other updates”

  1. Christi Says:

    Good luck with the upcoming school year! You are a GREAT Mommy. I am praying for Zoe! 🙂